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“SharePoint 2013: Content Query Web Part and Managed Navigation”

Managed Navigation in SharePoint 2013 allows the navigation of a site to be driven by a Term Set. Additionally, you can specify which page to load when a term is clicked. In this scenario the new Content By Search web part is the natural web part to use to dynamically display content based on the Managed Navigation Term that has been selected. However, this web part is not available in SharePoint Online at this time. But the ever faithful Content Query Web Part has been updated to help out.

Creating a Managed Navigation Term Set

  1. In your Office 365 Tenant navigate to your site
  2. Click the Gear icon in the upper right hand corner, and then click Site Settings
  3. Click Term Store Management
  4. Create a new Term Set
    1. Here I have an existing group named IT CategoriesSP2013-CQWP-1
    2. Click the drop down and select NewTerm Set and give it a name: Hardware
      1. Click on the Intended Use tab in the right hand properties section
      2. Check the box Use this Term for Site Navigation, this will allow us to use this term set to drive navigation.
      3. Also, check the box Available for Tagging if it is not already checked, this will allow us to use this term set to tag content
      4. Click SaveSP2013-CQWP-2
    3. Now create a Term in our Term set: Laptop
      1. Click the Term Driven Pages tab
      2. In the Target Page Settings section, check the Change target page for this term checkbox
      3. In the text box type ~site/pages/ITCategory.aspxSP2013-CQWP-3
      4. At the bottom of the page click Save
    4. Create a few more terms repeating the above process.
    5. Your Term Set should look something like this:SP2013-CQWP-4

Using the Managed Navigation Term Set

Configuring the Current Navigation in a Site

  1. Navigate to the site where you want to use this term set to drive navigation (or create a new site)
  2. Click the Gear icon, and then click Site Settings
  3. In the Look and Feel section click Navigation
  4. In the Current Navigation section select the option: Managed Navigation….
  5. In the Managed Navigation: Term Set section select the Term set that you created aboveSP2013-CQWP-6
  6. Scroll down and click OK
  7. Navigate to the home page of the site
  8. Note the left hand navigation now displays the terms from our term setSP2013-CQWP-7

Configuring a library

  1. Click Site Contents in the current navigation
  2. Click on the Documents library
  3. In the Ribbon, click the Library tab, and then click Library Settings
  4. Under the Columns section click Create ColumnSP2013-CQWP-8
    1. Give the Column a name: Hardware Type
    2. Select the option Managed Metadata
    3. Scroll down and in the Term Set Settings section select the Term set you created above
    4. Scroll down and click OK
  5. Add a few documents to the document library
  6. Edit the properties of each document and select a term for that item from the now available term setSP2013-CQWP-9View in document library:SP2013-CQWP-10

Creating a Page to display content based on the selected term

  1. Click Site Contents in the current navigation
  2. Click on the Pages library
  3. In the Ribbon click the Files tab
  4. Click New Document
    1. Name your page: ITCategory
  5. Check out and Edit your new page
  6. You will be prompted with an Edit Page dialog, click Edit Page TemplateSP2013-CQWP-11
  7. Add a Content Query Web Part to your page
  8. Edit the Content Query Web Part
    1. Expand the Query section and select the option Show items from the following list
    2. Click browse and select the document library that we configured above
    3. In the Content Type section select Document Content Types
    4. In the Navigation Context section check the Filter by page navigation term checkboxSP2013-CQWP-12
      • Note: If you don’t see this option, navigate to the Site Settings and activate the SharePoint Server Publishing feature
    5. Click OK
    6. Save changes and check in the page

Managed Navigation in action

  • Click the terms in the left hand navigation to see the Content Query Web Part retrieve the documents that have been tagged with the selected termSP2013-CQWP-13

By Indra

SharePoint Architect

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